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Telemedicine and Vaccine Clinics in California - What Shelters Need to Know About Legislative Updates for 2024! Thanks to groundbreaking veterinary telemedicine and vaccine legislation, we’ve got amazing news about access to care in animal shelters for 2024!
Curbing Disease as Intake Rises: Prevent, Fight and Win Today Arm yourself and your shelter staff with the information needed to squash the most concerning infectious diseases in your shelter.
Decoding Compliance: What You Need to Know about the DEA, Controlled Drugs, and Premises Permits in Your Shelter - Legal Considerations with Shelter PALS This course will simplify, distill, and deliver the essential knowledge you need to navigate drug and premises permit regulations.
Legal Meets Best Practices - California Focus Demystify California's legal landscape and discover how California laws and regulations can work in harmony with shelter policy.
Level Up Your Cat Housing: Game-Changing Upgrades Are Within Reach Discover innovative, proven strategies to transform your feline housing!
The Future Is Four: Dive Into The 4 Rights - The Right Care in the Right Place at the Right Time to the Right Outcome - Webinar Series Guiding principles that animal welfare professionals can use to make decisions, train their staff and engage the public.
The Future is Four - Overview of the 4 Rights of Animal Sheltering Webinar Learn how the Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge is transforming shelter care, ensuring animals receive the Right Care, in the Right Place, at the Right Time, and to the Right Outcome.
Is “Cage-Free” the Way to Be? Rethinking Shelter Housing for Happier, Healthier Cats This engaging and practical webinar explores the pros and cons of non-cage and group housing for cats in shelters!